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Monday, July 16, 2018

Michigan Deserves Way Better! Vote The Pro Cannabis 420 Slate August 2018

By the Weed Warrior

On or before August 7th, 2018, cast your vote for candidates who have a proven record of supporting the legalization of marijuana.  Michigan deserves much better in the delegation that is representing southeastern Michigan, especially Wayne County. The current crop of legislators have effectively ignored the votes and the will of the people through their actions. For a political action committee to recommend candidates who are convicted felons, domestic violence abusers, and supporting false claims of sexual harassment by accusers is disgusting and programmed distractions for maximum damage to candidates. 

Lansing Michigan 1st day of Medical Marijuana April 2009

When you screen through the drama and, when it comes to the struggle to legalize marijuana, we see these candidates who are cannabis friendly and worthy of your vote in the Michigan Primary Election on or before Tuesday August 7th, 2018.

Elected Position Sought
Debbie Stabenow
US Senate
Gretchen Whitmer
Andy Levin
US Rep District 9
Haley Stevens
US Rep District 11
Write In
US Rep District 12
Rashida Tilab
US Rep District 13
Stephanie Chang
State Senate District 1
George Cushingberry
State Senate District 2
Write In
State Senate District 3
Fred Durhal
State Senate District 4
Write In
State Rep  District 1
Latesha Johnson
State Rep  District 2
Write In
State Rep  District 3
Issac Robinson
State Rep  District 4
Rita Ross
State Rep  District 5
Tom Choske
State Rep  District 6
Write In
State Rep  District 7
Write In
State Rep  District 8
Gary Pollard
State Rep  District 9

Please review prior history of legislative actions before you vote. If we are to change the law for the people, you must elect candidates who have a prior history of working for marijuana reform instead of flip flopping on their position for the sake of your vote. 

Source:  Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Patients  PAC