Marijuana business owners are strongly encouraged to stand their ground to force compliance on the recently enacted ordinances to regulate daily operations. On Friday, February 16th, 2018 and Thursday March 8th, 2018, all who are interested in standing up for democracy are strongly encouraged to be present at the Coleman Young Municipal Center in courtroom #701 of the Honorable Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Robert Colombo.
Your presence is requested to protest the attempt by the Detroit Planning Commission, Detroit City Council and, Law Department to invalidate the results of the November 7th general election regarding voter approval of two Marijuana reform measures by 60%. In this case the members of the Planning Commission and City Council are placing themselves above the law by approving this act of voter fraud. In the second case the plaintiffs Marcus Cummins and Deborah Omokehinde have clearly lost their minds. Quoting the website Ballotpedia:
Following voter approval of two marijuana-related ordinances, Proposal A and Proposal B, the Detroit City Council introduced a resolution to challenge the ordinances on November 21, 2017. According to the Detroit Free Press, council member James Tate introduced the resolution, stating that the ordinances contain language that threatens the city's zoning process. Under the ordinances, which were placed on the ballot through citizen initiatives, dispensaries may be opened a distance of 500 feet or more from other dispensaries or religious institutions and may be opened without a public comment period or the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals. In the resolution, Tate requested that the mayor and corporation counsel take action to prevent the implementation of the ordinances and the new zoning rules. The council voted 7-1 in favor of the resolution.[Source Detroit Free Press]
The common theme in both cases is that people are not allowed to vote on issues concerning their municipality. The plaintiffs in both cases are saying that people who voted did not understand what they were voting on. In a previous ruling, Judge Colombo ordered that the issue be placed on the ballot for the people to decide what they want, instead of the City Council telling them what they are going to get regardless of their input. Preventing citizens from voting on issues is blatant voter suppression.
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Detroit City Council Member James Tate District 1 |
Website: Ballot Language Proposal A Facilities Ordinance- City of Detroit
Website: Ballot Language Proposal B Zoning Ordinance - City of Detroit
The hearings conducted for the rejected ordinance was a charade created for a select few people in the community. Detroit voters do not need to be disrespected again, just like what happened with the vote on rejecting Emergency Management. You are strongly encouraged to write Judge Colombo urging him to dismiss this attempt of Voter Fraud upon the people of the City of Detroit in both cases. Members of the legal community are strongly recommended to file Writs of Mandamus compelling the City to approve their business under the new ordinance. Interested Citizens are strongly encouraged to contact every elected official in the City of Detroit to demand that Building Safety and Engineering start taking online applications immediately and, respect the decision of the people for Marijuana reform in the City of Detroit.
Contact Information
Hon. Judge Robert Colombo (Website Wayne County Circuit Court)
3rd Circuit Wayne County Circuit Court
Coleman Young Municipal Center Room 701
Detroit, MI 48226
Case #17-017221-AW and #17012152-AW
Office Number Call (313) 224-5430 Courtroom Clerk Matthew Johnson
Office Number Call (313) 224-5430 Courtroom Clerk Matthew Johnson
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